Long Week-end, Time To Unwind
October 28, 2010
Paprika and I took a break in the country last week-end.
Not so original, we did like most of Wellingtonians and drove to the Wairarapa region. Our initial plan was different, but a lack of time and preparation compelled us to a closer destination. And in the end, we were glad we did so, the weather was so mild and pleasant !
That’s not our first time in the region and we start to have habits there now. We like to stop at Greytown, have a look at pretty boutiques and antiques shops, have a snack at the French Baker and dine at Bar Saluté.
We stayed at a lovely cottage settled in the green, where we enjoyed breakfast and late afternoon tea on the veranda.
And days quickly went by between gentle walks and drive to the coast…
The drive to the resort town of Castelpoint is very picturesque. The road goes past rolling hills and green pastures to finally end to the coastal town and its landmark, the lighthouse.
This time, we walked up to the top of the 160m high castle point rock where we enjoyed a breathtaking view. We sat on the grass, a light breeze and sun kissing our skin and we watched surfers catching waves, families picnicking in the dunes and the beautiful scenery in front of us. Then, we returned quietly via deliverance cove track.
Another interesting natural site we visited was Putangirua pinnacles.
Located on the way to cape Palliser these geological formations are thousand years old.
Intriguing, is the word that comes in mind looking at these natural and precarious sculptures.
The atmosphere is special there.
Discovering these towering rocks from the stream bed makes them look more impressive. And as they get denser, they are reminiscent of a ghost and imaginary city…
Three days and it was already time to take the winding road and drive back to Wellington. Three days like a foretaste of the warm season to come…
More New Zealand:
Northland South Island Wairarapa Hawkes Bay Kapiti Coast
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Paprika et moi sommes allés nous mettre au vert lors du long week-end de la fête du travail. Pas très original, nous avons fait comme la plupart des Wellingtonniens et nous avons conduit jusqu’à la région du Wairarapa. Notre idée initiale était différente, mais un manque de temps et de préparation nous a contraint à une option plus proche. Et au final, nous avons été contents de faire ainsi, le temps était si doux et si plaisant !
Ce n’est pas notre première visite dans la région et nous commençons à avoir nos habitudes. On aime s’arrêter à Greytown, regarder les jolies boutiques et les brocanteurs, prendre un snack au French Baker et diner à Bar Saluté.
Nous sommes restés dans un charmant cottage installé au milieu de la verdure, où nous avons pu prendre nos petit-déjeuners et thés de fin d’après midi sur la véranda. Et les jours sont passés rapidement entre petites marches et virée sur la côte…
La route qui mène à la station balnéaire de Castelpoint est très pittoresque. La route slalome entre les collines ondulantes et les verts pâturages pour s’achever à la station côtière et son point de repère, le phare.
Cette fois, nous avons marché jusqu’au haut du promontoire rocheux, haut de 160m, où nous avons pu admirer la vue. Nous nous sommes assis dans l’herbe, une brise légère et le soleil caressaient notre peau, et nous avons regardé les surfeurs attraper les vagues, les familles pique-niquant dans les dunes et la vue magnifique que s’offrait à nous. Puis, nous sommes retournés, tranquillement, par le sentier de deliverance cove.
Un autre site naturel intéressant que nous avons visité: les Putangirua pinnacles. Situées sur la route menant au cap Palliser, ces formations géologiques sont vieilles de milliers d’années. Fascinant est le mot qui vient à l’esprit en regardant ces précaires sculptures naturelles. L’atmosphère est spéciale. Découvrir ces tours rocheuses depuis le lit du cours d’eau, les rend encore plus impressionantes. Et au fur et à mesure qu’elles se densifient, elles font penser à une ville fantôme imaginaire…
Trois jours et c’était déjà le moment de prendre la route en lacets et de rentrer à Wellington. Trois jours comme un avant-goût de la belle saison à venir…
Plus de Nouvelle-Zélande:
Northland L’île du Sud Wairarapa Hawkes Bay Kapiti Coast
les photos font rêver!! Line
Such splendid landscapes and so peaceful! The countryside there is beautiful. Cheers, Rosa Rosa
Can I come live with you? Stunning, truly stunning. I love that you let me look into your world. robbingpeter
Gorgeous photos of what was clearly a lovely weekend! haha.. the trees are getting laden where you are and they are unburdening around here… :)) I love the photo of the 2 old gentlemen chatting outside 113..brilliant still life captured! Asha@FSK
great colors…really beau pics go on lovely silvana silvana
How beautiful! Thanks for sharing. nicole
*What an eclectic weekend! Lovely photos, especially that shapely cloud. I wish I could’ve done all that instead of driving cross-country and unpacking! Cheers, *Heather** heather
Beautiful pics :) Blandine
I love seeing “our place” through your eyes Vanille, it helps awaken me to the beauty I too often take for granted! xx Bron
Line, merci. Rosa, merci. NZ is really a blessed country… Robbingpeter, thank you. You may come anytime ;) Asha, thank you. I tend to shy away to take pictures of people, but these two guys were bringing life to this scene, I had to capture that ! Silvana, thank you ! Nicole, you’re welcome. Heather, I liked this cloud too - snapshot from the car actually. You’ll have to reward yourself soon a way or another from this tiring move. Blandine, thank you ;) Bron, as Mme de Genlis would say it: “We’re too easily surprised by what we see only rarely and not surprised enough by what we see every day” Vanille
Lovely, and it really looks like spring now (finally!). ciao A. Alessandra
You have such an amazing eye! not only are you able to take beautiful images…you make them breathtaking because of how you see it! cheers kari make my day
If I had such a picturesque place nearby, that’s where I’d head every single chance I get. Sounds like you had a lovely time, thanks for the beautiful photos. Ps- loved your last post too, sorry been so busy, didn’t have time to leave a comment. shaz
I just finished looking at my brother’s photos at the very same place! I thought the Pinnacles looked rather phallic ;P Sasa
God - I just want to lick this post - every picture is more delicious than the last! Beautiful work! Tricia @ {every}nothing wonderful
really nice photography :) Nicole Franzen
Lovely photography. I have just returned from a trip to Spain. My friend owns a house in Oliva (an hour north of Valencia) and I am hooked. Cannot wait to make your alioli, we ate it every day. We had lunch one day at La Tarta Dorada in Gandia and watched the family of the Restaurant eat a whole fish encrusted in salt. They make the best apple pie I have ever eaten (It was slightly burnt to caramalise the sugar. Wish I had asked for the recipe. Love your blog. Elaine, Wollongong, Sydney Elaine