


March 01, 2011

Here's a new week. The end of Summer. And a bit of cheerful colours from New Zealand. Specially after what happened last week.

It was one of these beautiful week-end. Paprika and I had a lie-in. After a good breakfast, we prepared a quick lunch to take away. Just half an hour drive from home and we started the walk.

Slip slop slap, we walk in the first part under the green canopy of the bush with the sound of cicadas -so loud at times. Then the track is open air and reveals the rolling hills, so distinctive of the Wellington region. The path keeps on climbing and gives a great view of Porirua and Wellington harbours. We finally reach the summit and discover on the opposite side, the outline of the Marlborough Sounds. Like a painting, the coast is topped with this long white cloud and framed by the gentle hills in the foreground.

I remember that I thought at that time, there is no better place and company to enjoy a lunch...

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Voici une nouvelle semaine. La fin de l'été. Et un peu de couleurs gaies de Nouvelle-Zélande. Surtout après ce qui s'est passé la semaine dernière.

C'était un de ces superbes week-ends. Paprika et moi avions fait la grasse matinée. Après un bon petit-déjeuner, nous avions préparé un déjeuner rapide à emporter. Tout juste une demie heure de route de la maison et nous entamions notre marche.

Slip slop slap, nous démarrons en premier lieu sous le feuillage abondant du bush avec le chant des cigales -si bruyant par moment. Puis la marche se pousuit en plein air et révèle les collines ondulantes, si caractéristiques de la région de Wellington. Le parcours continue de grimper et offre une superbe vue des ports de Porirua et Wellington. Nous atteignons finalement le sommet et découvrons de l'autre côté, la silhouette des Marlborough Sounds. Comme une peinture, la côte est accentuée par un long nuage blanc et encadrée par les collines au premier plan.

Je me rapelle avoir pensé à ce moment là qu'il n'y avait pas de meilleur endroit et compagnie pour profiter d'un déjeuner...


Oh my god, these places really exists? I thought I was lucky of living in Switzerland as it has beautiful landscapes, but nothing like the ones you show us above! Irene

How beautiful. Looking at your pictures is like taking a deep breath of fresh air. Lovely! Karin van D.

Que c’est beau!!! Les couleurs, les paysages… On a envie de se poser pour admirer tant de beauté! Continue à apprécier de si bons moments… Dominique (De vous à moi…)

superbe! julia

*Magical is all I can think to say. You and that camera do great things together. The only time I’ve seen such vivid colors like that was in a rainforest in Oregon. Of course, it was cloudy that day, there were no blues, but the greens, how they popped out at you! Glad to see some happiness there. Cheers, *Heather** heather

Stunning! What happened in CHCH is very sad…. Cheers, Rosa Rosa

Lovely pictures! mycookinghut

We are truly blessed to get to live in this gorgeous place. Spectacular photos. Mairi @ Toast

what a beautiful day for a walk! hard to believe summer’s over. love the photos, what wonderful colours :) milliemirepoix

Thank you all ! Happy you enjoyed the walk ;) Vanille

Those photos are so stunning, I wish I could walk right into them…I love the leafy green one in the top right corner, so mysterious :) So good to see you the other day, thanks for coming to the bake sale :) X hungryandfrozen

My heart broke for what happened last week and I continue to pray for the all there. Cynthia

Such stunning landscapes! I will be in New-Zealand in less than 3 weeks, and I can’t wait to discover this beautiful country :) Blandine

The photos are beautiful and soothing. They make me want to visit New Zealand! I hope you’ll have a great weekend!! Kaho

Yeah I’ll jump in and praise your photos too. As my wife decided on her first trip to NZ the sky looks deeper. Barton