


February 05, 2011

Sinemage Apricot sliced on blue plate

Did you make resolutions for 2011 ? I prefer to say I set goals for myself, than make resolutions. The word sounds too radical to me.

Luckily I did not write down here for example my resolution of being better at blogging. I would be embarrassed, after just the first month of the year, to notice that I'm not posting as often as I wish... Despite all this, I would like to tell you that I really appreciate all of you who take the time to come around here and even write a kind word or two. Thank you.

Still about resolution, and like some of you, I want to eat more healthily from this year on. Not that easy... We have all those delicious stone fruits right now and I'm happy to eat them simply raw; but for days I was also craving for a fruit tart. I finally made one with my usual tart crust and the following signs of discontent from my stomach led me to think of a work-around afterward.

The result of my experimentation is a kind of cookie-like tartelette. The crust soft and sandy, is made of a mix of buckwheat flour and ground almond, nicely moisten with melting apricots slices.

Back from work, Paprika directly gulped three tartelettes down and by the end of the day they were all gone ... Do I need to say more?

Sinemage Apricot tartelettes Sinemage abricot tartelette left on blue plate

Apricokie Tartelettes (makes 7 tartelettes 12cm diameter)


150g buckwheat flour 65g almond meal 75g unsalted butter at room temperature, chopped 50g icing sugar 2 egg yolks 1 pinch of salt Half lemon zest, finely grated


6-7 apricots Lemon juice 5 tsp honey Vanilla seeds scraped from a pod (optional)

In a large bowl mix together flour, almond meal, sugar, salt and lemon zest. Add butter and work with your finger tips to blend the butter and flour and get a sandy texture. Add egg yolks and knead lightly the dough to get an homogeneous dough. On a slightly dusted flour surface, roll down and cut out the dough. Lay cookies on a baking tray lined with parchment paper and store them in the fridge. Preheat oven to 200°C. In a bowl, whisk lemon juice, honey and vanilla. Half, stone, slice apricots and drizzle with lemon juice to prevent from oxidation. Display apricot slices on each cookie and drizzle over the honey syrup. Bake for 12-15 minutes or until edges are golden. Remove from oven and very carefully transfer them on a cooling rack. Allow them to cool down completely to firm up.

Sinemage flower-like Abricot tartelette on white platter

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Avez-vous pris des résolutions pour 2011 ? Je préfère dire que je me fixe des objectifs que des prendre des résolutions. Le mot sonne trop radical selon moi.

Heureusement que je n'ai pas écrit ici par exemple ma résolution d'être une meilleure blogueuse. J'aurais été quelque peu embarrasée après tout juste le premier mois de l'année de constater que je ne publie pas autant de billet que je le voudrais... En dépit de tout cela, je souhaitais vous dire que j'apprécie vous tous qui venez faire un petit tour par ici et même écrire un petit mot gentil ou deux. Merci.

Toujours à propos des résolutions et comme certains d'entre vous, je veux manger plus sainement à partir de cette année. Pas si facile... Nous avons une abondance de délicieux fruits à noyaux en ce moment et je suis contente de les manger simplement tels quels; mais depuis quelques jours j'avais envie aussi d'une tarte aux fruits. J'en ai finalement préparé une avec ma pâte brisée habituelle. Les signes de mécontentement consécutifs de la part de mon estomac m'ont conduit à réfléchir à une alternative par la suite.

Le résultat de mon expérimentation est une sorte de cookie-tartelette. La pâte tendre et friable, est faite d'un mélange de farine de sarrasin et de poudre d'amande, garnie de tranches fondantes d'abricot.

De retour du boulot, Paprika a englouti trois tartelettes d'un coup et à la fin de la journée tout était parti...Ai-je besoin d'en dire plus ?

Tartelettes Abricookie (pour 7 tartelettes de 12cm diamètre )


150g farine de sarrasin 65g poudre d’amande 75g beurre doux à température ambiante et coupé en dé 50g sucre glace 2 jaunes d’oeuf 1 pincée de sel Moitié d’un zeste de citron, finement râpé


6-7 abricots Jus de citron 5 c.à.c miel liquide Graines de vanille grâtées d’une gousse (facultatif)

Dans une jatte mélanger farine, poudre d’amande, sucre, sel, et zeste de citron. Ajouter le beurre et travailler du bout des doigts pour incorporer le beurre et obtenir une texture sableuse. Ajouter les jaunes d’oeuf et pétrir légèrement pour obtenir une pâte homogène. Sur une surface légèrement farinée étaler la pâte et découper à l’aide d’emporte pièce. Disposer les ronds de pâte sur une plaque de cuisson recouverte de papier sulfurisé et laisser reposer au réfrigérateur. Préchauffer le four à 200°C. Dans un bol, mélanger le jus de citron, le miel et la vanille. Découper les abricots, retirer le noyau, couper en lamelles et verser un peu de jus de citron pour éviter l’oxydation. Disposer les tranches d’abricot sur chaque rond de pâte et verser un peu de sirop de miel sur le dessus. Cuire au four pendant 12-15 minutes ou jusqu’à ce que les bords soient dorés. Retirer du four et transférer très délicatement sur une grille. Laisser complètement refroidir pour que les tartelettes raffermissent.


I love the way it looks! so cute Paula

These are lovely. I made resolutions to take care of my health better – hopefully more exercise and definitely better sleep as I have developed some issues there. Xiaolu @ 6 Bittersweets

*Something different, I like it! You always have such beautiful apricots – a local fruit? Not so local here, which makes them ridiculously expensive (sadly). The last photo is sweet, made to look like a blooming flower. I wouldn’t mind having a few of those in my garden someday… Cheers, *Heather** heather

How darling! They do look like little cookies. I’m sure the almond flour helps to give the crust a nice sandy texture as well. Sylvie @ Gourmande in the Kitchen

<p>Dominique, bien que j’ai une collection de farine dans mon placard je retombe bien souvent sur celle de sarrasin. J’aime son goût tout simplement…</p> <p>Rosa, we both agree then ;)</p> <p>Miriam, thank you !</p> <p>Paula, thank you. I really like to play with colours and shape…</p> <p>Xiaolu, agree with you about exercise and I also started to make it daily. Hope your sleeping issue will be solved soon.</p> <p>Sylvie, thank you. I like almond and nuts and never miss an occasion to add them to recipes…</p> <p>Jenious, thank you and welcome!</p> <p>Kaho, sweets are addictive ! To tame a big sweet tooth is not that simple… Let me know what you think if you try the buckwheat flour.</p> <p>Sasa, I really like this idea of yours ! I should definitely adopt it too ;)</p> <p>Irene, thank you. Well, you still have 11 months to reach your goals then !</p> Vanille

So happy that I found your blog through Flickr. That last shot is darling - such a cute bloom. Jenious

Oh, lovely!!! They are so pretty and look great for tea party! Your styling the tarts with blue and white is very stylish! I hope I will change my diet to something healthier. I need to refrain myself from eating sweets after dinner or stop eating as much sweets, period. Sigh. I’ve never baked with a mixture of buckwheat and almond powder. That sounds good though! Kaho

La bretonne que je suis applaudit des deux mains (avec une seule de toutes façons c’est difficile!) pour ce joli dessert avec de la farine de sarrasin… j’attendrai patiemment les fruits à noyaux, ou je choisirai autre chose! J’ai moi aussi un gourmand à la maison qui risque de n’en faire qu’une bouchée! Dominique (De vous à moi…)

I never make resolutions… Like you I have goals. Those tartlets are so pretty! They look delicious. Cheers, Rosa Rosa

Soooo beautiful shots… Miriam/The Winter Guest

This is soooooo beautiful! Alessandra

What is it about the word resolutions that’s so offputting? I don’t like it either. I’ve started trying to do a new good habit a month because I hear it takes 30 days to develop a habit and I figure I’ll have 12 good new ones by the end of the year ^_^ Sasa

I had 14 targets last time, I met 4. So this year I decided to have 22, so that if I manage to maitain the percentage, the total amoung of met targets will increase to 7 :) So far, I haven’t met any! I love your pictures and your recipes, you have a lovely blog. Irene

J’aime beaucoup le mot “abricookie” et tu sais, je pense qu’on devient “meilleure blogueuse” en continuant surtout à se faire plaisir et en l’occurrence sur ton blog on voit bien que c’est le cas ! Alors je te souhaite simplement de continuer comme ça ! christelle is flabbergasting

Delicious, nice idea. Barbara

so beautiful and fresh. I love your site Alison @ Ingredients, Inc.

je mangerai bien cette tartelette..mais c’est pas trop la saison par chez nous!;-(en tt cas très jolies!!! quand a ta resolution de publier plus souvent…pour moi l’important c’est les recettes de qualité et de belles photos! mission accomplie! julia

[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Alison Lewis and Sylvie , Vanille. Vanille said: [Blog Post] Apricokie tartlet: http://t.co/a988Cb0 […] Tweets that mention Re.Solution « At Down Under – Topsy.com

Sheeesh, Vanille - these little cookie tartlets look amazing. I would like one with my afternoon coffee right now - you have got my tummy rumbling :-) I love all the beautiful summer stonefruit right now - I never want summer to end. Sue xo Couscous & Consciousness

Beautiful, and such a good idea :) I just love that blue plate! hungryandfrozen

How I adore the way you made them bloom and then again on a stem on the plate. Very pretty. I keep using almond flour in baking; think I am addicted to the feel and the flavor. I think I might have to use the canned apricots. The fresh ones are expensive and not that good. bookmarked. no resolutions for me. Just try and try to be a better person :-) Soma

They look so pretty…love the design! Peter G @ Souvlaki For The Soul

Heather, apricots here are mainly from two regions: Hawkes Bay (North Island) or Otago (South Island). I’m glad we have really good ones here, they melt like butter in the mouth… Alessandra, thank you ! Christelle, oui tu as raison, la notion de plaisir est un des moteurs importants et à garder en tête lorsqu’on blogue. Merci. Barbara, thank you. Alison, thank you and welcome. Julia, merci. Oui, ça serait sympa de grignoter un bout ensemble autour d’une tasse de thé… Sue [Couscous & Consciousness], like you, I really like to have coffee with a little treat - though it’s ages I didn’t have one - and You make me crave for coffee now !! Laura [hungryandfrozen], thank you. That’s pretty simple actually. Yes, I heart this plate too ;) Vanille

So pretty Vanille! I love your attention to detail and how the tartelettes look like little flowers, especially that last photo on the plate. Clever :) I’m trying to eat healthier too (more veges, more low GI food etc) but there’s always room for cake and chocolate :P shaz

Shaz, chocolate and cake are two wonderful words ! Sukaina, I’m sure well-drained canned apricots would work fine too. Delphine, merci ! Vanille

Those tartelettes look too beautiful to eat. Would canned apricots work here? Good luck on eating healthy this year! Sukaina

ces tartelettes sont tout simplement divines bisous a toi Delphine delphcotecuisine

I m so so glad to find your blog.These tarts look so pretty.I love the last shot.The idea of fruit on a flaky crust is just too beautiful. Tanvi