Feta and Mint Tortellini
September 26, 2013
The fresh taste of mint has become a favourite lately. Steeped in green tea, mix in salads or finely chopped in dressing, I generously use mint.
The tortellini were no exception.
After reading about sourdough pasta, I had to satisfy my curiosity and I made these tortellini. The distinct smell was noticeable when working the dough, but once cooked, the sour taste was too subtle to make a difference.
Nevertheless, feta paired with fresh mint made a delicious filling for this experimental pasta, that were served with a drizzle of olive oil.
![Feta & Mint Ravioli | At Down Under | Viviane Perenyi](/img/2013/09/dptchfetaminttortellini.jpg)
In a large bowl mix together sourdough, flour, egg and salt. Knead until the dough is smooth. Let it rest for an hour in a greased bowl covered with cling wrap. Meanwhile prepare the filling. In a bowl crumble feta and mix it with chopped mint, olive oil and black pepper to form a homogenous paste (You may want to add salt depending on the feta you use) Divide the dough into four equal parts and using a pasta machine or a rolling-pin roll out each piece into a thin and large stripe. Cut out 9cm diameter disks of pastry. Place disks on a tray lined with baking paper and cover with a damp tea-towel to prevent from drying. Place in the centre of each disk a teaspoon of filling. Lightly moisten the disk edge with water and fold the disk in two, pinching all around the edge, so that it forms a semi-circle. Lightly moisten one tip and join by pressing the two ends together. In a large pan bring plenty of water to a boil. Add tortellini and let them cook a couple of minutes after they reach the surface. Drain and serve warm with a drizzle of olive oil.
![Feta & Mint Ravioli | At Down Under | Viviane Perenyi](/img/2013/09/dsc_07682.jpg)
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Le goût frais de la menthe a ma préférence dernièrement. Infusée dans le thé vert, ajoutée en salade ou finement ciselée dans des sauces, j'utilise la menthe copieusement.
Les tortellini ne font pas exception.
Après avoir lu à propos de pâtes au levain, j'ai voulu satisfaire ma curiosité et j'ai donc fait ces tortellini. En travaillant la pâte, l'odeur spécifique était notable; mais une fois cuite le goût acidulé était trop subtil pour être perçu.
Néanmoins, la féta associée à la menthe a fait une délicieuse farce pour ces pâtes expérimentales, servies avec un filet d'huile d'olive.
--- ## Comments > *Ricotta would work instead of feta I am guessing? Love this recipe!* > **[elizabethjaneclarke](http://modernmothersholygrail.wordpress.com)** > *What a gorgeous recipe. Good on you for trying new things... the idea of sourdough pasta is fascinating to me! Love the combination of the feta and mint too... a match made in heaven. I'm going to try this with some fresh green peas in the mix, just because I love the flavours together. Thanks vanille xx* > **[laurasmess](http://laurasmess.me)** > *A girl after my own heart... love your tortellini... and I've been making things with mint too xo* > **[Lizzy (Good Things)](http://www.bizzylizzysgoodthings.com)** > *Sieht zum Reinbeissen aus . . .* > **mataicooking** > *Rhiddi, thank you, hope you'll give it a try. Rosa, thank you dear ! Sandrine, merci. Une idée pour le diner de ce soir ? Betty, thank you. Asha, thank you lovely ;) Lauralynn, sorry to be responsible for this instant craving ! Lizzy, thank you. Such a versatile herb, right.* > **Vanille** > *What a gorgeous plate of food!* > **[Magda](http://mylittleexpatkitchen.blogspot.gr/)** > *Looking at the pictures make me want to eattttt!! www.thecarriagehousedesigns.com* > **[lauralynn477](http://lauralynn477.wordpress.com)** > *Why? Why you use sourdough starter? I'm italian and the only recipe for fresh egg pasta like tortellini is 1 egg on 100gr of flour for person. 4 person? 4 eggs and 400gr flour, easy! ;p* > **Ale** > *Because I am curious to try new and different things.* > **[Vanille](http://atdownunder.wordpress.com)** > *Such delicate flavors! Absolutely love it!!! :)* > **[Riddhi](http://cookbybook.wordpress.com)** > *What refined looking and tasting tortellini! A dish I'd eat anytime... Cheers, Rosa* > **[Rosa Mayland](https://www.facebook.com/Rosa.J.May)** > *Ces tortellini donnent l'eau à bouche :) .... Et tes photos sont très belles !* > **Sandrine** > *This is sinfully tasty.* > **Betty** > *Love this!! Such ethereal photos! :)* > **[Asha@FSK](http://www.forkspoonnknife.com)** > *Yes, for a milder taste, ricotta would work well too. Thank you for stopping by !* > **[Vanille](http://atdownunder.wordpress.com)** > *Your images are so beautiful!* > **[Ruby Green](http://diaryofawombat.wordpress.com)** > *wow i have never used sourdough starter in pasta! i googled it and now see that there are a handful of recipes out there for it ! i am quite intrigued! thanks you for sharing!* > **[Jess](http://therapybread.wordpress.com)**