Baked Nashi Pear
May 27, 2013
Day after day, outside, the light gets subtler. In the middle of the afternoon, the sunset light filters through the foliage, dapples the wall of the living room and creates like an old movie effect on a screen. I like watching the light dancing this way. Small details that I keep on finding lovely. Like the freckles on nashi pear skin...
Despite the mostly mild autumn days, I'm in the mood for simple and comforting dishes and desserts.
So here's a twist to the traditional baked apple. The sweet and juicy nashi pear is stuffed with pinenuts and sultanas. Vanilla syrup, sweet white wine and ginger add flavours to this easy dessert. The kind that brings not only a sweet touch at the end of a meal, but warms up on a cool evening.

Baked Nashi Pear
4 nashi pears 4 tbsp sultanas 4 tbsp pine nuts 1 tbsp vanilla syrup 4 thick ginger slices 125ml / 1/2 cup sweet white wine 125ml / 1/2 cup water
Preheat oven to 180ºC. Slice the top of the fruit, remove the core and make a cavity. In a bowl mix together the pinenuts, sultanas and vanilla syrup. Scoop equal amount in each nashi pear. Place them in a baking dish and pour water and wine in the bottom. Add slices of ginger. Bake for one hour until the fruits are soft. Serve warm.
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Jour après jour, la lumière extérieure se fait de plus en plus subtile. En milieu d'après midi, le soleil couchant filtre à travers le feuillage, anime le mur du salon, et crée un effet qui rappelle les vieux films. J'aime regarder la lumière ainsi danser. Petits détails que je trouve toujours charmants. Comme la peau mouchetée de la poire nashi...
En dépit des journées automnales relativement douces, j'ai envie de plats et desserts simples et réconfortants.
Alors voici une variante sur la traditionelle pomme farcie au four. La poire nashi juteuse et sucrée, est farcie de pignons de pin et raisins secs. Le sirop de vanille, le vin blanc liquoreux et le gingembre ajoutent leurs parfums à ce dessert facile. Le genre qui non seulement apporte une touche de douceur en fin de repas, mais réchauffe lors de soirées fraîches.
Oh my gosh your pictures are so great! and the Pears look super delicious! Ana Fernandez
Now these are one kind of pears that I don’t often see baked, I must try them this way. Sylvie Shirazi (@gourmandeinthek)
I love how simple this is. And I love the autumn light, it’s so much less brash than summer (although you have to be quicker to catch it…) hungryandfrozen
Lemongrovecakediaries, I’m glad you enjoy it ! Sarah, thank you ;) Rosa, merci ! Vnvie, thank you ! Hope you’ll give it a try. Mycookinghut, thank you dear ! Ampc, I wish we could swap as I really would like to go towards summer than winter really… I will send you details for the print. Vanille
Such a beautiful shot of those fresh pears. thyme (Sarah)
Divine! The first picture is exquisite. Cheers, Rosa Rosa Mayland
Such beautiful pictures and a great recipe! vnvie
Beautiful clicks! mycookinghut
This makes me really look forward to autumn - and gives me plenty of time to find sultanas, which have been hiding from me since I decided to buy some a few months ago. And, while others have already said it, I just want to confirm that your photography is divine. By any chance, do you have an Etsy shop or somewhere I could purchase a copy of the photograph of fresh pears? ampc
I had never thought of baking nashi pears! You know, according to Chinese medicine, they are very good for relieving congestion. Lovely post, as always. Lizzy (Good Things)
Elles sont très belles ces photos !!!!! Sandrine
Pas mal ton idée! Justement, je parle de ce fruit dans mon prochain livre ;-) Toujours de très belles photos, très appétissantes… Carole
What a great twist to a classic dish! lemongrovecakediaries
This sounds, and looks, delicious. I loved baked fruits although admit I’ve never thought of baking pears this way. Thanks for the inspiration. Domestic Executive (@domesticexec)
*buono!!i love pears!! * federicaferrarese
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