Plum Jam Tart
May 10, 2013
We first talked about this tart when I realised the full jar of plum jam, made last summer, was still sitting in the fridge. Paprika told me how this tart evokes childhood memories and how much he likes it. So I wrote it down on the to-do list.
Then I forgot all about it.
I went to a deli the other day to buy some cheese and there I saw lined on the shelves the Bonne Maman fruit tarts. It was like an instant reminder.
I went for the crust I usually do for my tarts, a pâte brisée, which is not sweet. The jam filling here does not really need extra sugar I think, so it's a plain crust, all buttery though.
Paprika swallowed two generous slices in no time when he came home from work. For me, I liked how the plum jam brought a taste of summer in the middle of a moody autumn day...
Plum Jam Tart
Pastry 300g / 2 1/2 cup flour 150g / 2/3 cup unsalted butter, diced 100ml / 7 tbsp water 1 pinch of salt
Filling 500g / 1 1/2 cup plum jam or jam of your choice
In a large bowl mix together flour and salt. Add butter to flour and mix with your finger tips to get a fine sandy texture. Add water and mix quickly but lightly with your hand to form a ball. Do not overwork the dough. Flatten the dough into a thick disc and wrap it in cling wrap. Let it rest for one hour in the fridge. Preheat oven to 200°C / 400°F. Roll down the dough on a dusted flour surface. Place the pastry in the tart pan and trim the edge. Prick the bottom of the dough with a fork. Spread the jam on the bottom of the tart. With the remaining pastry, form a ball and roll it down in rectangular shape as long as the diameter of the tart. Cut regular stripes (8 to 10) and place them following these steps to form a lattice on top of the tart. Bake for 25-30 minutes. Remove from oven and turn out of the tart tin. Let it cool on a rack.
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Nous avons tout d'abord parlé de cette tarte lorsque j'ai réalisé que j'avais un pot de confiture de prune préparée l'été dernier, toujours stocké dans le frigo. Paprika a évoqué ses souvenirs d'enfance et combien il aime cette tarte. Donc je l'ai griffoné sur ma liste de choses à faire.
Puis, j'ai complètement oublié.
Je suis allée chez un traiteur la dernière fois pour y acheter du fromage et c'est là que j'ai vu, alignées sur les étagères, les tartelettes aux fruits Bonne Maman. Ça a été comme un rappel immédiat.
Pour la pâte j'ai fait celle que je prépare habituellement, une pâte brisée, non sucrée. La garniture à la confiture n'a pas besoin de sucre supplémentaire selon moi et c'est donc une pâte nature au bon goût de beurre néanmoins.
Paprika a avalé deux généreuses parts en rentrant du boulot. Moi, j'ai apprécié comment la confiture de prune a apporté un petit goût d'été au milieu d'une journée d'automne un peu triste...
Reading this over my morning coffee- wish I had a slice! I bet it’d be lovely with apricot jam too. beckywoods3
What a lovely autumn tart, perfect for the cooler days. Thanks for sharing. Nicola Nicola Galloway
Beautiful tart, perfectly put together. I can imagine how delicious. tinywhitecottage
Looks delicious. I made the same exact tart but with mixed berries. mythineats
A beautiful tart! Extremely tempting. Cheers, Rosa Rosa Mayland
That is a beautiful tart! I agree with you - when the filling is sweet enough I prefer not to sweeten the crust as well and let the filling shine on its own Asha@FSK
Jam tarts just can’t be beat! This would be extra special with homemade summer jam, yum! Poppy
That is one inviting looking piece of tart! I need to make my own pastry at home. Prerna@IndianSimmer
- Wish all a great week-end ladies ! Nicola, indeed with the cooler days baking is very comforting. Tinywhitecottage, thank you. Mythineats, thank you. Rosa, thank you ! Beckywoods3, apricot jam is one of my favourite, so I agree with you. Asha, thanks dear ! Yes, was on sugar high after eating it ! Poppy, indeed the jam is homemade. Prerna, thank you ! Do it, it’s so easy !* Vanille
Such a gorgeous looking tart. I love how neatly it’s shaped and designed! Kankana
All your posts are so evocative and this one is no different. Wonderful thought, Jam Tart and a nice hot cup of tea :) Domestic Executive (@domesticexec)
Superbe tarte. J’en prendrais bien une part ! Gisèle
I love these kind of tarts! The other day I bought a Bonne Maman jar too, the chestnut creme, I know that it is mostly sugar and little chestnuts, but I couldn’t resist… You should enter this for Sweet NZ, the host this month is After Taste, info here. Ciao Alessandra Alessandra Zecchini (@AleZec)
I love that you made your own pastry! Your tart looks very delicious. lizzygoodthings
Beautiful photos, I love how the light makes the jam glow. I also love having jammy things in winter, when there isn’t so much fruit in season… hungryandfrozen
Yes, this style tart brings back childhood memories for me as well! Sylvie Shirazi (@gourmandeinthek)
This looks so delicious and your photos are gorgeous! Rosie @ Blueberry Kitchen
Merci pour votre blog… Vos photos sont magnifiques… Vivantes et vivifiantes… Les recettes des petites magies… Je viens de le parcourir entièrement… Merci. Ben
*Buona la crostata! questa è la mia marmellata * federicaferrarese
Merci à vous pour vos mots qui me touchent beaucoup. Et bienvenue ! Vanille