January 27, 2012
There are places or topics that never fail to inspire. And nature is undeniable one of them to me. It may be the big picture or the small detail, it never ceases to amaze, surprise and soothe me. I like how a simple stroll in the green can clear the mind and make you feel refresh.
After all, the etymology of the word inspiration comes from the Latin inspirare and means to breathe in, so it makes sense that nature is inspiring...
Wish you all a lovely week-end !
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Il y a des endroits et des sujets qui sont des sources d'inspiration constante. Et la nature est indéniablement l'une d'entre elles selon moi. Cela peut être une vue d'ensemble ou le petit détail, elle ne cesse jamais de m'émerveiller, surprendre et apaiser. J'aime comment une simple balade au vert peut vider l'esprit et nous regénérer.
Après tout, l'étymologie du mot inspiration vient du latin inspiratio qui veut dire souffle, alors c'est logique que la nature soit une inspiration...
Je vous souhaite à tous un bon week-end !
Such a wonderful blog.. mushykitty
Gorgeous clicks! Have a great weekend. Cheers, Rosa Rosa May (@RosasYummyYums)
Ciao, it is always a joy to look at your pictures :-) Alessandra
Beautiful. That is the loveliest shade of green. Karin
*Is that a lilac relative? Such a delicate flower. Happy weekend! *Heather** heather
I agree nature is one of the most enduring forces for inspiration. So often we just march along in our environment not noticing the wonders that surround us. Even though I live surrounded by the natural world I still need to make a special effort to stop and just breathe it all in! Domestic Executive (@domesticexec)
Beautiful…love the light :) Mairi Herbert (@ToastNZ)
Magnifique! J’adore toujours autant tes photos! bisous plume_d_argent
What a lovely flower! White flower with shades of green, very very nice color combination and very pleasant to look at. Nika Twitter Followers