Retro And New
August 12, 2011
It was last week. I had prepared a Waldorf salad and brownies for an American theme potluck dinner. The evening was all fun. Simon, the host, has an amazing collection of retro pinballs and we all played like teenagers for the last part of the night.
Foodwise, it was like travelling from one state to another with a fair share of desserts. We ate and chat in the cosy and art deco style living room, with the melody of old American songs playing on the turntable. I feasted on a seafood chowder and a comforting vegetable casserole - a grandma recipe I was told- and was introduced to gumbo.
The Waldorf salad was also a first time. And I'm glad I gave it a go. I've repeatedly made it for lunch since then. It's ready in no time and the Spring-like days* we had lately, made me crave for nothing else. So last week-end I bought a big head of celery at the farmers market, knowing it'd be used up in soups... and salads too.
Waldorf Salad (For 1 as main or 2 as starter)
3 sticks of celery, finely sliced 1 small red apple, cored, sliced and sprinkled with lemon juice 1 small green apple, cored, sliced and sprinkled with lemon juice Handful of fresh walnuts Mix of green salad
- Lemon vinaigrette or mayonnaise
Mix in a bowl all the ingredients and add the dressing just before serving.</em>
*It’s all gone by now…
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C'était la semaine dernière. J'avais préparé une salade Waldorf et des brownies pour un dîner sur le thème américain. La soirée a été fun. Simon, notre hôte, possède une collection impressionnante de flippers rétro avec lesquels nous avons tous joué comme des adolescents, en fin de soirée.
Concernant les petits plats, c'était comme voyager d'un état à un autre avec une large part laissée aux desserts. Nous avons mangé et bavardé dans le séjour très cosy et style art déco avec la mélodie de vieilles chansons américaines provenant de la platine vinyl. J'ai festoyé avec une soupe de fruits de mer et une daube de légumes- une recette de grand-mère m'a-t-on dit- et j'ai également été introduite au gumbo.
La salade Waldorf était une première également. Et je suis contente de l'avoir essayé. Je l'ai faite depuis à plusieurs reprises pour le déjeuner. C'est prêt en un rien de temps et avec les journées très printanières dernièrement*, je n'avais envie de rien d'autre. Alors le week-end dernier, j'ai acheté un beau pied de céleri au marché, sachant qu'il serait utilisé dans des soupes... et salades aussi.
Salade Waldorf (Pour 1 personne ou 2 personnes comme entrée)
3 côtes de céleri, finement coupées 1 petite pomme rouge, épépinée, tranchée et aspergée de jus de citron 1 petite pomme verte,épépinée, tranchée et aspergée de jus de citron 1 poignée de cerneaux de noix Un mélange de salade verte
- vinaigrette au citron ou mayonnaise
Mélanger dans un bol tous les ingrédients et ajouter la sauce avant de servir.</em>
*Disparu depuis…
I love the new version of that classic! Delightful and a lot more appetizing looking. Cheers, Rosa Rosa May (@RosasYummyYums)
Being “American” it would be so fun to see what is considered “american style”. You mentioned Gumbo! That is from my part of the country. Gumbo is a seafood soup type dish from Louisiana often served during fall/winter. I’ll be making one this winter now that we have moved back down south after living in the north for years. You salad photos are just beautiful! Snippets of Thyme
Wow, j’adore tes photos. Et cette salade Waldorf! Belle idée, tout en crunch! Et hyper rafraichissant en ce moment. Merci! MariEve
Such a beautiful salad!!! It looks like it would be a shame to eat it, it’s just too beautiful. Jennifer (Delicieux)
I love your new take on the Waldorf Salad, it makes it very appealing. Alli
This is fantastic as usualy. The photo is perfect. Terei-Vgih Krisztina
Your waldorf salad is so beautiful! I usually just chop everything up and it looks a mess. Tastes great though, definitely an underrated salad. Did you like gumbo? It’s something i really want to try. shaz
Rosa, thank you ! Snippet of Thyme, I did not taste the gumbo but it did smell very good though. MariEve, merci ! Une façon d’apporter un peu de couleurs au milieu de l’hiver… Jennifer, thank you ! I did not have any remorse eating it after shooting it ;) Terei-Vgih Krisztina, thank you ! Alli, thank you. Shaz, unfortunately I did not eat the gumbo - was already full - a pity b/c I don’t know when I’ll have the occasion again… Vanille
ADORE everything you do!!! This salad is gorgeous and I wish I can do it as soon as possible. Thanks for sharing your beautiful recipes and photos! pips
Hopefully it becomes springlike again - although the snow is quite exciting ;) What a beautiful salad - I love the crisp nutty flavours of Waldorf, although I’ve never seen one as elegant as this! hungryandfrozen
I just love your beautiful presentation, so crisp and clean and perfectly arranged. Sylvie @ Gourmande in the Kitchen
Those must be the perfect & thinnest apple rounds I have ever made a salad look so drop dead beautiful and neat! Tanvi
So simple and delightful. I love your thin apple rounds…thank you for sharing! Peter G @ Souvlaki For The Soul
Pips, thank you ! Laura [Hungry and Frozen] I’m all excited by the snow too ! Thanks for your kind words. Sylvie [Gourmande in the Kitchen] thanks ! Tanvi, thank you ! Peter [Souvlaki For The Soul] you’re welcome ! Vanille
This salad looks not only pretty but so refreshing! I can never cut apples that neatly and so thin. kankana
The red and green apples stacked up on top of each other are breathtaking. Ah, those spring-like days… gone for now! ;) milliemirepoix
My all-time-favourite…Your design is awsome :) piszke
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