What Winter Days Are made For
July 12, 2011
We came back home at the beginning of the afternoon from the farmers market, starving. The chilly wind and the late hour had opened our appetite. As usual, we nibbled on cheese and bread, while our lunch, a whole snapper, was baking in the oven.
The sky suddenly darkened. Sign that rain was on the way. Perfect timing we thought, happy to be safely inside as the weather was quickly changing.
Later on, we had finished our meal and I felt like having a dessert. A warm one. After all, that’s what winter days are made for, no ? And Paprika agreed with the idea.
So I looked for inspiration in my books and stumbled upon those apple fritters. The recipe called for green apple. Perfect match. I had plenty of them waiting to be consumed since a long time.
The first attempt proved to be disappointing. Obviously the batter needed to be tuned. The second and altered batch gave a satisfying and fluffy dough, wrapping a melting slice of apple.
By the end of the afternoon, we settled cosily around a plate full of warm fritters, generously sprinkled with icing sugar and mugs of hot tea on the side. Outside, heavy drops of water started to lash the window. The rain has arrived…
Apple Fritters
4 apples (granny smith) 150ml milk 1 egg separate 125g corn starch 50g flour 1tbsp sugar 1tsp baking powder 1 pinch of salt Lemon juice
500ml oil for frying</em>
In a bowl mix together corn starch, flour, baking powder. In another bowl whisk egg yolk and sugar until frothy. Slowly add milk and keep on whisking. Pour in step by step the flour mix while whipping. The batter should get the consistency of a thick cream. In a separate bowl whip egg white with a pinch of salt until stiff peak and then gently fold in the batter. Heat oil in a pan over medium fire. Peel and slice apples. Remove core on each slice. Sprinkle lemon juice on slices to prevent oxidation. When the oil is hot enough, dip slice of apple in the batter, drain a little bit and fry. Flip as soon as the side starts to get golden. Drain on absorbent paper. Serve warm and sprinkle with icing sugar.
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Nous sommes rentrés, en début d’après-midi du marché, affamés. Le vent froid et l’heure avancée avaient ouvert notre appétit. Comme d’habitude, nous avons grignoté du fromage et du pain, pendant que notre déjeuner, un vivaneau, cuisait dans le four.
Le ciel soudainement s'est assombri. Signe que la pluie était en chemin. Perfect timing avons-nous pensé, contents d’être à l’intérieur, à l’abris, alors que le temps changeait rapidement.
Un peu plus tard, nous avions fini notre repas et j’avais envie d’un dessert. Un dessert chaud. Après tout, c’est ce pourquoi les jours d’hiver sont faits, non ? Et Paprika était d’accord avec l’idée.
Donc, j’ai feuilleté mes livres en quête d’inspiration et je suis tombé sur ces beignets à la pomme. La recette précisait des pommes acides. Parfait. J’avais tout plein de Granny Smith qui demandaient à être consommées depuis un certain temps.
Le premier essai s’est avéré décevant. De toute évidence la pâte avait besoin d’être améliorée. La seconde fournée, modifiée, a donné une pâte satisfaisante et moelleuse enveloppant une tranche de pomme fondante.
En fin d'après-midi, nous nous sommes comfortablement installés autour d’une assiette remplie de beignets tout chauds, généreusement saupoudrés de sucre glace et des tasses de thé chaud à nos côtés. Dehors de grosses gouttes d’eau commençaient à fouetter la vitre. La pluie était arrivée…
</br> Beignets à la Pomme 4 pommes acides (type Granny Smith) 150ml lait 1 oeuf 125g maïzéna 50g farine 1 c.à.s de sucre 1 c.à.c de poudre à lever 1 pincée de sel Jus de citron
500ml huile pour la friture</em>
Dans un bol mélanger la maïzéna, farine, et poudre à lever. Dans un autre bol battre le jaune d’oeuf avec le sucre jusqu’à ce que le mélange soit mousseux. Doucement ajouter le lait tout en continuant de fouetter. Verser peu à peu le mélange de farine tout en fouettant. La pâte devrait avoir la consistence d’une crème épaisse. Dans un autre bol battre le blanc d'oeuf en neige avec une pincée de sel. Incorporer délicatement le blanc d’oeuf à la pâte. Dans une casserole, chauffer l’huile sur feu moyen. Peler et trancher les pommes. Retirer le trognon de chaque tranche. Asperger les tranches de pommes avec du jus de citron pour prévenir l’oxydation. Lorsque l’huile est suffisamment chaude, plonger une tranche de pomme dans la préparation, égoutter un peu et faire frire. Tourner aussitôt que le côté est doré. Laisser égoutter sur du papier absorbant. Servir chaud, saupoudré de sucre glace.
Mmmhhh, apple fritters are so delicious and comforting! Yours look really tempting. A great winter treat. Cheers, Rosa Rosa May
Those are really beautiful and dramatic pictures! http://www.curlygirlkitchen.com/ Heather
I love apple fritters, yours look perfect! I have just posted two recipes with apples too, well, we must take the most of what we have in Season :-) Ciao and keep warm! Alessandra Alessandra
Quand je pense que pendant ce temps là on crève de chaud… mais tes photos sont suffisamment appétissantes pour réveiller la gourmande qui est en moi! Bises… dominiques
Here in Italy, unfortunately, it’s summer! I prefer the winter, hot and freshly baked pastries. I like to read this post, the photos are gorgeous as always and you can transmit a lot of calm and, above all, I like winter a lot! I often visit your blog but it is the first time that I leave a comment … I love your blog! pips
Apple fritters?? OMG I want some right now. It’s freezing (relatively speaking for Queensland) and they’d make me feel all warm and comfy. I’ll have to try them soon. Maureen
Yum! Jamais faits de beignets chez moi, la friture me fait très peur, mais j’aime bien en manger, parfois, ailleurs. J’aime bien ton idée de pâte avec de la fécule… Et je peine à vous imaginer en hiver! flo makanai
My grandmother makes these every autumn! So yummy! I’ll write this down and tell her to try this recipe next time :) Elisa
Oh wow.. this looks lovely! I need to try out apple fritters!! mycookinghut
Heather, thank you and welcome ! Alessandra, yes that’s mainly apple and pear for now… They say winter has been mild this year, but wind has been blowing like mad lately… Rosa, thank you. One has to find advantage of winter days ;) Dominique, profite bien de la belle saison de ton côté; avec tous ses fruits frais et délicieux… Pips, really glad to read you ! I’m touched by your kind words. And even if you are a winter kind of girl just enjoy what the season - Summer right now for you- has to offer ! Maureen, ‘Queensland’ and ‘cold’, there’s a contradiction here ;) Just kidding ! Glad to know that you’re inspired to try them ! Flo, je trouve que la fécule allège la pâte. Je te comprends pour la friture, il faut une bonne hotte aspirante… Mais on oublie tout quand on mange les beignets ;) Elisa, I’m sure your grandmother recipe must be fantastic ! And I’m so glad you have your own blog now ! Mycookinghut</strong>, thank you ! Vanille
Oh yes! I haven’t had an apple fritter in ages…thank you for sharing these. You certainly make them look mouthwatering! Peter G @ Souvlaki For The Soul
They looks so delicious. I’ll have to try your apple fritter recipe out now – my husband will love them. Raquel @ Erecipe
ici c’est l’été mais, le temps est aussi à la pluie et bien gris tes petits beignets seraient bien réconfortants bisous Delphine delphcotecuisine
Je n’ai pas encore assez exploré ton blog pour comprendre d’où vient ce décalage de saison ! Je suis juste tombée sur cette série de photo qui me laisse admirative… je m’en vais à la conquête de ce blog qui me semble délicieux ! Laetitia - CduBeau !
I would never thought of making apple fritters! Such a gorgeous treat to light you up on those rainy days. kankana
Oh..I thought that these are doughnuts before I read your post..beautiful beautiful pictures and post- Love fried apples! Your pictures are always inspiring :) Tanvi
Vanille, these apple fritters look wonderful (and of course as always your photos are sensational) - I think these are just perfect for a wet and cold weekend afternoon :-) Sue xo Couscous & Consciousness
It’s a really hot summers day where I am today but your post has made me crave these warming fritters! They look delicious :) Lucy
Oh Vanille, your photos look amazing even when it is raining outside! You are truly talented :) And while I’m still trying to love winter, I do agree that the cold afternoons are the perfect time for something warm and sweet with hot tea :) The fritters sound perfect. shaz
I love these things, but it’s impossible to stop at one, or two! Great moody photos too, love your post. Nic
I love these images of the apple fritters against the darker background - you’re such a master of this food photography craft :) I love doughnuts and deep fried fritters and the like, but am a bit nervous of splattering oil or the dough not staying together, which is why I don’t make them very often. Yours look very enticing though, perfect for a cold afternoon. hungryandfrozen
The simplest recipes are often the best, even if you did have to tweek it a bit. peasepudding
C’est un très beau blog que je découvre. Je ne sais pas encore où tu vis, mais si c’est l’hiver alors… En tous cas, c’est une jolie recette et tes photos sont magnifiques! Je suis contente d’avoir découvert ton blog! Lulu from Voyage Gourmand
[…] Baguette Pan by Chicago Metallic. The beautifully forged French Opinel Knives. What Winter Days Are Made For – Soulful words and captivating photography on the At Down Under Blog. The sweetest […] Introducing The Cook Republic Files And The Marcato Winner Announced | Cook Republic
Oh wow, absolutely stunning photos! These definitely look like a wonderful way to indulge a little on a winters day. I’ve just stumbled onto your blog, and I must say it’s absolutely beautiful! I’ve subscribed and can’t wait to see more of your work. delicieux
Every time I pop over to your beautiful blog, I’m blown away by your amazing recipes, and photography!! Damn lady, these are just stunning! It’s our first stormy day here in weeks, and these apple fritters would seriously go down as a treat! Thanks again for the wishes & all the love… Happiness is being ONE:) x Janine
I am back in France, it’s warm and sunny outside, but all I want now is a chilly winter to eat your apple fritters… JulieB.
lovely! I like the idea of apple fritters very much :) [email protected]
Vanille, as much as I am enjoying our summer, you have me yearning for a cold rainy day and a stack of apple fritters. I am absolutely going to try this, and may not be able to wait till then. Liren
Excellent photos!! As always. Apple fritters sound great! Yum! Even though it’s hot here, I would love to have it. Although I can see that being in a chilly weather and to have a warm dessert is something! I miss that. And a mug of hot tea. Hummm. You’re making me hungry!! Kaho
Stunning photos and delicious recipe - off to get ingredients :) Thank you very much ~ Anna loveplantlife