


May 12, 2010

Sinemage Papercut Fall leaves

Still inspired by the season… After the eadible version, a little craft experimentation this time. Momentarily, I swap the rolling pin and the whisk for the cutting mat and x-acto.

Honestly at this stage, I’m unsure I will achieve what I have in mind. So for now just a sneak peek of the work in progress

Sinemage Papercut Fall leaves

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Toujours inspirée par la saison… Après la version comestible, un petit travail manuel expérimental cette fois-ci. Momentanément, je troque le rouleau à pâtisserie et le fouet contre le tapis de découpe et l’x-acto.

Honnêtement à ce stade, je ne suis pas sûre de parvenir à réaliser ce que j’ai en tête. Donc, en attendant, voici un petit aperçu du travail en cours


So beautiful and delicate Vanille. Can’t wait to see the finished product. shaz

So delicate and pretty! Cheers, Rosa Rosa

*what kind of paper is that? i wish i was that talented… we’re baking our own wedding cakes and, being an autumn affair, i’d like to decorate the top of each chocolate flourless cake with a few leaves. at least i can just venture outside to grab some! love this, really, it’s incredible. cheers, *heather** heather

Absolutely SO beautiful!!! I’m loving the season, too, though the trees are starting to show empty branches. Stay a little longer, leaves, stay! Pippa

Shaz, Rosa, Heather, Pippa thank you girls ! Heather, I don’t know the name of that paper. Actually the texture is something between paper and fabric. Vanille