

Just For Fun

April 17, 2010

Sinemage Papercut fish in bird cage

Whatever you think you can do, or do believe you can do, begin it. Action has magic, grace and power in it.

Johann Goethe

Enjoy your week-end !


Oh, I love it! Cheers, Rosa Rosa

Magnifique! Tu n’as jamais eu envie de découper une belle corbeille emplie de pains ;-)? Ou une tarte aux fruits? Tu es vraiment superbement douée! Flo Makanai

You are so talented Vanille. That’s a great paper-cut and I like that quote. shaz

Lovely! What do yo do with all these papercuts? Do you make cards? Alessandra

Flo, je t’avoue que la grande gourmande que je suis préfère faire le pain et les tartes, pour mieux pouvoir les manger ! Rosa, merci ! Shaz, yes I like this quote and find it so inspirational… Alessandra, I just do it for the pleasure. It’s actually quiet relaxing to do it ! My Cooking Hut, thank you ! Karin, thanks ! ;) Vanille

Very pretty!! mycookinghut

Gorgeous. And magical indeed :-) Karin

That is so beautiful! Nice post! Kaitlin

Wow, another work of art! I love the tiny bubbles!! Nic