

Apo pou eisai ? *

February 12, 2010

That’s the phrase with a couple of others I only can remember from my year spent in Greece many years ago. I was student at this time. And I met there Paprika. Unexpected, I know. France meets Hungary in Greece… ?! I keep so many good souvenirs from this time and not only because I fell in love with a boy…

I made this Greek salad for lunch today and when I had the first mouthful, it was like all the images came back to my mind. This salad is so simple and yet so tasty. And it was a long time I didn’t make one. You may want to eat it with a grilled meat. For me, it was just slices of sourdough bread. But to conclude on a sweet note, I finished the Greek yogurt in the fridge, drizzled a little bit of honey and tossed some walnuts…

A special week-end for many of us with the Chinese New Year and St Valentine’s day… So I wish you to have some good time ! ;)

Greek Salad [For 2]

1/2 cucumber, chopped 4 small tomatoes, cut into wedges 1/2 red onion, sliced 100gm feta, crumbled A handful of olives Salt, pepper, dried oregano, olive oil. Mix olives, feta and all the vegetables in a bowl. Season with salt, pepper and oregano, pour olive oil and serve.

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C’est la phrase avec quelques autres expressions dont je peux encore me rappeler de mon année passée en Grèce, il y a de cela longtemps. J’étais étudiante à l’époque. Et c’est là-bas que j’ai rencontré Paprika. Je sais, plutôt inattendu. La France rencontre la Hongrie en Grèce… ?! Je garde tellement de bons souvenirs de cette période de ma vie et pas seulement parce que je suis tombée amoureuse d’un garçon…

J’ai préparé cette salade grecque pour le déjeuner aujourd’hui et à la première bouchée, c’était comme si toutes les images me revenaient en mémoire. Cette salade est si simple, mais si bonne. Et cela faisait longtemps que je ne l’avais pas refaite. Vous pouvez la manger en accompagnement d’une viande grillée. Pour moi ça a été quelques tranches de pain au levain. Mais pour finir sur une touche sucrée, j’ai terminé le yaourt grec restant dans le frigo, avec du miel et quelques cerneaux de noix…

Ce week-end sera spécial pour certains d’entre nous avec le Nouvel An chinois et la St Valentin… Je vous souhaite à tous de passer du bon temps ! ;)

Salade Grecque [pour 2 personnes]

1/2 concombre, coupé en dés 4 petites tomates, coupées en quartier 1/2 oignon rouge, tranché 100g feta, émiétté Une poignée d’olives Sel, poivre, origan sec, huile d’olive.

Dans un bol, mélanger la féta, les olives et les légumes. Assaisoner et verser l’huile d’olive. Server.</em>


Greek salad is one of my favourite dishes. When I think of the taste and close my eyes, I can almost feel the sun on my face, it reminds me of summer that much. (It’s very cold and white here, by the way :-)) Love your pictures, they are beautiful! Karin (the mrs.)

A lovely greek salad! Cheers and have a wonderful weekend, Rosa Rosa

I’m from Athens, Greece and I would suggest you some caper as well. Kαλή όρεξη! (bon appetit!) P.S. your blog is pure bliss! marianna

Karin, thank you. I know, quiet weird to think most of you are blanketed with snow and it’s Summer here…But to be honest, the weather after being awesome, is not that summery these last days in Wellington… Rosa, thank you girl ! Marianna, thank you for your suggestion. Much appreciated ! Vanille

*What a great story about how you and Paprika met! I’ve always been a bit curious and LOVE your husband’s name – does Paprika mean something in Hungarian, or were his parents really fond of the spice? I agree with Marianna about the addition of capers. It’s one of the things I really look forward to when I’m digging into a Greek salad; although I know not everyone is fond of the piquant little berry. To each his own! Cheers, *Heather** heather

I know I sound like a broken record, but your photos are just so amazing Vanille (plese tell me that you’re a professional photographer?). I love greek salad, and it’s wonderful that just a few simple ingredients can come together into something sensational. Hope you get spoilt on Valentine’s Day :) shaz

Heather, Paprika is rather my hubby’s nickname than his real name. But sure he’s the spice in my life ! ;) Shaz, thank you for your sweet words. I wish you to be spoilt too ! Vanille

Both are really my fav! The taste of Greece… :) mycookinghut

Happy St Valentine and Chinese New Year to you too! :-) Alessandra

Oh the Greek yogurt with the honey and the nuts! Want some! We don’t get good Greek yogurt here and yogurt on the whole here in Barbados is way too expensive. Cynthia