Day Out
February 01, 2010
It was mid-day when Paprika and I left home with a light picnic packed in the bag and a vague idea of where we were going. On the road the traffic was busy. And it seems everybody was outside that day.
There were girls smartly dressed, on their way to the Wellington Cup. Men angling at the seaside. Enthusiasts playing with their model aeroplanes in the light breeze. Families, sunbathing and playing on the beach. And us, like everyone else, enjoying this beautiful day.
We drove around the Pauatahanui arm of Porirua harbour. The light was incredible, making the waters shimmer and the surrounding hills look like velvet.
We spotted a peaceful location, laid the mat and ate our lunch. Then we walked along the sea and reached these colourful baches. I liked the way each one is customised with little quirky details and catchy colours.
Afterwards, we went to the ancient Pā site* in Whitireia park and contemplated the great vista of Porirua harbour, Mana island and Marlborough sounds in the background.
It felt so good up there…
*Pā were built by Māori as fortified refuges for times of war, but were also secure living places and centres for learning, crafts and horticulture. They were often located on naturally defensible high points such as the ends of steep-sided ridges, coastal headlands or isolated hills but were also built on the edge of swamps and sometimes on flat land.
Source: Open Space New Zealand
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C’était la mi-journée lorsque Paprika et moi avons quitté la maison avec un petit pique-nique emballé dans le sac et une vague idée d’où nous allions. Sur la route le traffic était important. C’était comme si tout le monde était dehors ce jour là.
Il y avait des filles, joliment habillées, en route pour la Wellington Cup. Des hommes pêchant à ligne au bord de l’eau. Des passionnés faisant virevolter leur aéroplanes dans la brise légère. Des familles, bronzant et jouant sur la plage. Et nous, comme tout le monde, profitant de cette belle journée. Nous avons roulé autour de la partie du port de Porirua appelée Pauatahanui. La lumière était incroyable, faisant chatoyer les eaux et ressembler les collines environnantes à du velour.
Nous avons repéré un coin tranquille, étalé la natte et mangé notre déjeuner. Ensuite nous nous sommes baladés en bord de mer et avons atteind ces petites baraques colorées [appelées bach en anglais Kiwi]. J’ai aimé la façon dont chacune est personnalisée avec des petits détails excentriques et des couleurs accrocheuses. Puis nous sommes allés à l’emplacement d’un ancien Pā au sommet du Whitireia park et d’où nous avons contemplé le panorama sur le port de Porirua, Mana island et les Marlborough sounds en arrière plan. C’était si bon de se trouver là…
Stunning photos Vanille, how perfect! Makes me want to go there right now… Syrup magazine
What gorgeous pictures! Cheers, Rosa Rosa
Vanille - I’ve run out of words to describe how wonderful your photos are and how they make me feel! Love that pic of the purple bach. shaz
Makes me want to quit my job and run away to the countryside:-) wizzythestick
Wonderful photos and post! :) mommycookforme