

A Little Up-Date

November 17, 2009

I feel I should really up-date around here…

This blog has been somehow neglected, because its owner has been busy and lazy at the same time.

Busy, organising the journey for my sister and niece coming over for the end of the year (Yay !), preparing a paper Christmas-tree (in progress), going to Blow festival presentations, watching interesting movies, testing a muffin recipe with levain, wandering in the Botanic garden on sunny days and by the beach on windy ones… and finally too lazy to report anything here on the blog !

I sincerely hope to rectify this very soon…

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Je me dois de mettre à jour un peu, par ici…

Le blog a été quelque peu négligé, parce que sa rédactrice a été occupée et paresseuse à la fois. Occupée à organiser le séjour de ma soeur et ma nièce qui viennent pour la fin de l’année ( Yes !), à préparer un arbre de Noël en papier (en cours), à assister à des présentations du Blow festival , à regarder des films intéresssants, à expérimenter autour d’une recette de muffin au levain, à me balader dans le jardin botanique les jours de ciel bleu et à la plage les jours venteux… et finalement trop paresseuse pour mettre à jour le blog !

J’espère sincèrement rectifier ça très bientôt…


That’s ok. At least you’ve been doing great things! It is impossible to blog on a daily basis if you are busy… Cheers, Rosa Rosa

I hear you! I’m finding it hard to concentrate when the beautiful weather is calling me to the beach :) shaz

Sounds like you have a wonderful filled life. I’d say: Just enjoy it. And share a beautiful picture now and then, like the one above. Karin

tiens bon retour, la vie suit son cours et c’est pas toujours facile de tout gérer, une recette de muffin au levain, excellente idée!! Miss B

I look forward to see your paper Christmas tree!!! :-) Alessandra

Rosa, thank you for being so comprehensive. You are far more busy than I am and still find time to blog though ! You are an example ! Shaz, it seems we do have in common this love of long hot Summer days…;) Karin, I’ll try to keep up at least for a while ! Miss B, je n’ai rien promis, mais je vais essayer ! ;) Alessandra, I hope that the final result will be ok too. It’s quiet basic and simple actually, but I’ll show it here as soon as it’s finished. Vanille

Blow festival looks cool. I remember Wellington being that kind of place… shame I’m 15,000 miles away! andrew

I’m now catching up on some blog hopping. I’ve just spent a long time being caught up in your Northland post. Cynthia