Mushroom on Toast and a Move
June 07, 2013
Both Paprika and I started winter with a nasty cold which partly ruined our long Queens birthday week-end. We are slowly recovering. I don't have any appetite at the moment and until yesterday I felt like a vegetable. And to add to the fun, our home is a mess with boxes popping like mushrooms in each corner. Yes, Paprika and I are going to move. A matter of weeks now and we'll be on the other side of the Tasman sea. To be honest, it's hard for me to speak about it. Part of me is excited about the change and another is sad to leave this Kiwi life...
Blog-wise I will try my best to update, but I hope you'll understand the slower pace for the coming weeks.
For today I keep it simple with this mushroom on toast, tartine aux champignons. A lunch for one really, but the béchamel is enough to prepare 4 tartines. So you can proportionally increase the quantity of mushroom and bread to use up all the sauce.

Mushroom on Toast (for one)
2 medium size mushroom (white button), sliced into 1/2cm (1/5”) thick 1 sprig of parsley, finely chopped 1 slice of sourdough bread 2-3 sage leaves 10g (1 tbsp) grated cheese (I used Gruyère, but Parmesan works fine too) A garlic clove, mashed Olive oil Salt and pepper
Olive Oil Béchamel
250ml (1cup) milk 1 tbsp flour 1 tbsp olive oil Salt, pepper and nutmeg</em> <p style="text-align:justify;">To prepare the béchamel, slowly warm up the milk over a low fire until it boils. Pour it in a jug and keep it aside. Rinse the pan, heat the olive oil over medium fire and add the flour. Stir constantly for a couple of minutes. Then pour the milk step by step whisking after each addition. You should get a smooth lump free texture. Keep on stirring until the texture thicken and get the consistency of a cream. Season with salt, pepper and nutmeg. In a frypan over medium-high fire heat olive oil, add garlic and stir until fragrant. Add parsley and stir. Mix in mushrooms and cook for a couple of minutes stirring from time to time. Season with salt and pepper. Spread the béchamel on the bread, top with mushrooms, sage leaves and grated cheese. Grill (broil) for 5 to 10 minutes. Serve with a green leaf salad.</p>
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Paprika et moi avons démarré l'hiver avec un bon rhume qui a gâché en partie notre Queens birthday week-end. Nous nous remettons peu à peu. Je n'ai toujours pas beaucoup d'appétit et jusqu'à hier je me sentais un peu comme un légume. Pour couronner le tout, c'est le bazar chez nous, avec des boîtes en cartons qui traînent aux quatre coins. Oui, Paprika et moi déménageons. Encore quelques semaines et nous serons de l'autre côté de la mer de Tasman. Pour être honnête, ce n'est pas évident d'en parler. Une part de moi est excitée par le changement et l'autre est chagrine de quitter cette vie Kiwi...
Concernant le blog je ferai de mon mieux pour la mise à jour, mais j'espère que vous comprendrez le ralentissement pour les semaines à venir.
Pour aujourd'hui, je garde les choses simples avec cette tartine aux champignons. Une déjeuner solo, mais la béchamel est suffisante pour préparer 4 tartines. Donc vous pouvez augmenter proportionnellement les quantités de champignon et de pain pour utiliser toute la sauce.
Oh wow! All the best with the big move, it’s been just over 2 years since we did the same. You’ll love it over here in Australia. Sydney’s great… but visit Perth if you’re looking for some sun :-) Emma Galloway
Good luck with the move Vanille! I was where you were about a year ago, and no matter how familiar everything is, it still takes time to get momentum back. It takes a while to feel “normal” again. Be kind to yourself and take it easy, we’ll wait for you :) Sending lots of hugs your way. Shaz
Oh, Shaz, thank you for your support ! I can’t believe it’s already a year that you relocated to Singapore… Time flies ! I wish you were still in Sydney so that we could finally meet ;) Vanille
Sounds like a good advice from a Melbournite ;) Vanille
Bon courage, bon rétablissement, et merveilleuse installation dans votre autre et nouveau chez vous. J’espère que les lumières et les paysages t’y raviront tout autant que ceux de la NZ… Flo @ Makanai
Merci Flo, tes mots me touchent et me donnent courage ! Vanille
Best advice move to Melbourne not Sydney :) Good luck and happy adventuring anthonypickering
Lovely toasts! A great choice of toppings. Cheers, Rosa Rosa Mayland
So beautiful and tempting! One of my favorite ways to prepare tartines (or bruschetta as we call them in Rome). Kiwi island, other side of the Tasman sea, …wow…either way, sounds like fascinating places to be, I’m sure you will find your space of joy. P.S. Have fun packaging…if you’re like me…you must hate it! :-) Elvira
Colds will do that to you…make you feel down and depressed about everything. Moving is so stressful. We live in a very transient area, many expats, and nothing stays the same for long. Our neighbors, who we have enjoyed hearing the girly squeals of their 2 daughters for 3 years now, are moving to Saudi Arabia. Quite the move. Good luck to you and your husband. Knowing it will be sad and stressful is half of the battle. thyme (Sarah)
Love the simplicity of the meal! Change is never easy and always brings a mixed feeling within. I can feel ya! Kankana
Mmm! I love mushrooms on toast! So satisfying. :) Sarah
Lovely toast. Best to you on your move. :) tinywhitecottage
so coming to this side of the ditch? Where are you looking at? anthonypickering
You are moving to Oz??? Good Luck with the move and wish you a speedy settling in!!! Look forward to photos of the new area!!! :) Asha@FSK
Oh wow, how exciting for you to be moving onto a new adventure. Hope that you’re fighting fit soon to finish the packing. I remember it so well when I packed up in the UK to come to NZ. Complete with norovirus and slipped disc :o( Domestic Executive (@domesticexec)
It seems so tasty… Miss Ayo Délé
Rosa, merci ! Elvira, definitely like you strongly dislike packing ! And thank you for stopping by ! Sarah, that’s a big change for sure ! I got a insight when I traveled for work in S. Arabia years ago. Time is running ! Kankana, yes, that’s exactly how I feel right now… Sarah, glad you enjoy it ! Tinywhitecottage, thank you for your best wishes ! Anthonypickering, yes crossing the ditch and going to Sydney. Any tips welcome ! Asha, that’s right and you know me right ;) Domestic Executive, I’m happy my case is not that severe. A slipped disc sounds so painful :/ Miss Ayo Délé, thank you ! Vanille
Sorry to hear you have not been feeling well…. I myself have been battling illness for a couple of months, pneumonia perhaps. I hope you are on the mend…. So, you are moving to Sydney, welcome to Australia…. I’m in Canberra, not too far away. Wishing you a smooth move and a quick settling in period. lizzygoodthings
My son is in Sydney and loves it! Too far away for me….Loving your posts and wonderful food. Safe travels lea
This is great comfort food. And no expensive ingredients. I needed both after been robbed. :-( Good luck moving countries. GillyLee
Good luck Viviane, I have spent a lot of time in Sydney with work and I am sure you will love it. The weather will certainly be better than Welly! peasepudding