Hokey Pokey
June 01, 2011
When you'll read that post, Paprika and I will be on a short holiday break. Hopefully I'll be able to share about it when we'll be back.
Until then, let's speak about that confection called honeycomb or also known as hokey pokey- Instantly these two words make me think of the popular Kiwi ice cream- or sponge toffee.
I've first spotted it in a magazine and wanted to try it since.
It can be served with a coffee as an alternative to chocolate, or made as a favour gift or simply to satisfy a sugar fix. I liked the light and crisp texture, and coated it with a homemade mix of nuts, rolled oat, coconut chips and amaranth puff. I've purposefully omitted dry fruits in the mix as I found the honeycomb already really sweet. This way pieces can be handled without having sticky fingers.
I used honey because that’s what I had at home and it works fine too.
I’ve made half of the recipe and got a slab of 17x7 cm.
Honeycomb / Hokey Pokey
Free interpretation of this recipe
50g caster sugar 2 tbsp golden syrup (or honey) 3/4 tsp bicarbonate of soda
- 4 heaped tbsp of nut/cereal mix (optional)</em>
Prepare a cake tin lined with baking paper or use a silicone pan and spread half of the mix of nuts/cereal on the bottom. In a sauce over medium fire, mix sugar and syrup/honey and stir together to mix. Let the mixture melt and stir until it starts bubbling - Between 3-5 minutes. Off the heat, add bicarbonate of soda and stir. Syrup will foam. Pour it in the prepared pan and top with remaining mix of nut/cereal. Leave to set and then break into chunky pieces.
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Lorsque vous lirez ce billet, Paprika et moi serons en vacances. J'espère partager avec vous notre petite expédition dès notre retour.
En attendant, parlons de cette confiserie appelé honeycomb ou encore hokey pokey- et instantanément ces deux mots me font penser à la glace si populaire ici en Nouvelle Zélande.
J'avais remarqué cette sucrerie en premier lieu dans un magazine et j'avais envie de l'essayer depuis.
On peut le servir avec le café en remplacement du carré de chocolat ou en faire des petits présent à offrir ou pour satisfaire tout simplement une envie de sucre. J'aime la texture légère et croquante que j'ai enrobée d'un mélange de noix, flocons d'avoine, chips de coco et amaranth soufflé. J'ai intentionellement omis les fruits secs parce que je trouve le honeycomb déjà très sucré. Et de cette façon cela permet de manipuler les morceaux sans avoir les doigts collants.
J’ai utilisé du miel parce que c’est ce que j’avais à la maison, et ça marche tout aussi bien. J’ai fait la moitié de la recette et cela m’a donné une tablette de 17x7 cm.
Honeycomb / Hokey Pokey
Libre interprétation de cette recette
50g sucre en poudre 2 c.à.s golden syrup (sirop de sucre roux) ou miel 3/4 c.à.c bicarbonate de soude
- 4 c.à.s bombées de mélange noix/céréales (facultatif)</em>
Doubler un moule avec du papier sulfurisé ou utiliser un moule en silicone et répartir la moitié du mélange noix/céréales dans le fond. Dans une casserole sous feu moyen, mélanger le sucre et le golden syrup/miel. Laisser fondre puis mélanger jusqu’à ce que le mélange commence à buller- entre 3-5 minutes. Retirer du feu, ajouter le bicarbonate de soude et mélanger. Le sirop va mousser. Verser dans le moule et saupoudrer le reste de mélange noix/céréales. Laisser reposer pour que ça se fige, puis casser en morceaux.
Heather, the trip was good and will share about that later in the week ;) Agree that a moderate quantity is enough to satisfy a sweet tooth like mine ! Line, merci ! Snippets of Thyme, it’s fun and fairly quick to make. I was not familiar with this confection either before coming to NZ. We had some good time during our vacation and will share soon. Rosa, thank you ;) Alessandra, thanks. Paprika and I had some good time in our vacation. Photos to follow soon… Piske, thank you to let me know the Hungarian name ;) Peter [ Souvlaki for the Soul ], yes I guess that’s the treat you have when you’re a child, right ?! Shaz, I’ve seen a chocolate topping, but honestly that would be too sweet, so why not try with your favourite topping ?! Bron that’s the problem with nut lover, they are tempted to add them everywhere ;) Plume d’Argent, à essayer alors ! Et ça plaira surement au enfants. Irene, happy to read you’re going to give it a try ! Kaitlin, thank you ;) Sylvie, yes it does not require a lot of ingredients and it’s done fairly quickly, so no excuse not to make it ! Blandine, hope you enjoyed your time in NZ ! And now you can recreate the hokey pokey ice cream at home ! Lana, thank you. The colour comes from the syrup itself. Nicole, the texture is crisp and crunchy, not cake-like at all. Botacook, merci. Un peu de patience pour les photos de notre séjour… Laura [ Hungryandfrozen ] Thank you ;) You always find the right words… We did enjoy our holiday. Coming soon on the blog… Sally, I’ve tried the first time with a recipe that was a total flop and this one worked just fine for me; but it’s true that humidity must play against the crisp texture. Mycookinghut, yes always interesting to try something new ! Vanille
*Hokey pokey – what a smashing name! I think this is the same thing that we call “fairy food” in Wisconsin. The only time I had it was from a gift box my college roommate received from her grandmother. I was not a fan, but that version was about two times as thick as what you have here. Maybe if it was thinner it wouldn’t make my teeth hurt, and I’d enjoy it more. In any event, you have a stunning example here with that topping. Cheers and hope your trip is lovely, *Heather** heather
wow c’est épatant et les photos sont magiques!!!! Line
Beautiful. I have never seen this dessert before. It looks really fun to make and something my teens would try. As always, you captured this delight with wonderful photography. Have fun on your trip! Snippets of Thyme
Oh, magnificent! That is a treat I really love. Your honeycomb looks splendid. Cheers, Rosa Rosa
Cool recipe! Have a lovely break, surely you will return with some great photos! Ciao A. Alessandra
Törökméz! :) piszke
This looks brilliant…and amazing! I haven’t had honeycomb in years…thank you! Peter G @ Souvlaki For The Soul
Happy Holidays Vanille! I’ve been meaning to make honeycomb for ages, this is a great idea coating it with the nuts :) shaz
What a clever idea to add nuts, you’re truly super Vanille! bron
C’est super original! Je ne connais pas du tout, mais c’est super tentant! bises plume_d_argent
Wow, this looks delicious!!! It’s gone straight to my list of recipes pending to do :) Irene
SOOOOO gorgeous. I love how bright that first picture is. You amaze me! Hope you’re having a lovely time! Kaitlin
Excellente idee. Et bien sur, avec un nom comme ca, il faut absolument utiliser du miel! Who knew you could do that with Baking Soda. Thank you! sylvie in Rappahannock
I discovered hokey pokey ice cream on a recent trip to NZ and loved it - thanks for sharing the recipe. I hope you have a good holiday break. Blandine
Wow! It looks so gorgeous!! But where comes this bright orange color from? Lana
This is so intriguing! I’ve never seen or heard of anything like this. Is it crunchy and crispy or cake-like? nicole
Franchement, c’est juste magnifique : autant la réalisation de cette gourmandise que la photo! J’ai hâte de voir les photos à ton retour! Bonnes vacances :) Botacook
This has to be the prettiest hokey pokey I’ve ever seen. I love how such tiny quantities of everyday ingredients can form something so amazingly delicious. I hope you both have a wonderful holiday! X hungryandfrozen
Très belles pages, superbe graphisme (et je ne parle même pas des photos !)… ltdpt
Bravo - this is quite difficult to make. I know because I have tried many times. Then I met a toffee maker the other day who also had failed! Humidity seems to be its enemy. I have never seen it topped with anything let alone these lovely goodies. It’s also called cinder toffee sometimes. Hope you have a nice holiday. Sally
Looks really interesting!! mycookinghut
I’ve never seen this kind of candy, and it looks incredibly YUMMY the way you fixed it up! (I’m terribly sorry, but I’m having difficulties reading your light text. I have to highlight it in order to read it without straining) dewdle
Bonjour ! Bravo ; les photos sont superbes…. PS : Lauriane adooooooooooooore !!!!!!!!! Dad
Hello there! This looks absolutely delicious :-) Wanted to tell you know I love your photography and have been a silent admirer on flickr :-) Kulsum at JourneyKitchen
[…] At Down Under / Recipe adapted from Nigella […] 15-minute make: homemade honeycomb | Decorator's Notebook blog
Just as good as my mum used to make when I was little! Sheila